You know the weeks that ask more of you than you have to give?
I recently had one such weeks. And I curled up on my couch to weather the storm, box of tissue in hand.
And then, a couple of days later, I hung this. A beacon of hope, directly across from my couch-o-weeping.
Download your free printable here.
So now, I'd like you to have one too. In case you have those kinds of weeks: I made it in three sizes: 8.5"x11" (so you can print it at home); 11"x14", and standard poster size like mine: 24"x36". I sent my to my local fedex to be printed ($40) and stuck it in a hobby lobby poster frame ($12). Oh yeah, and then I strung some Christmas pompoms around and made X's on the wall out of strips of birch bark and brass nailheads (also hobby lobby). I'm so pleased with the results! It's an impactful, statement wall that adds meaning to my home.
Download your free printable here.
Please feel free to use this print however and wherever you'd like. My gift to you.
You've GOT this.XO
Mrs. Emily