Last week I talked about how I first came to love dresses. This week, I'm talking about the potent power of a fabulous frock to diffuse a disastrous day.
You may remember, my best friend is moving away. Yes, my soul-sista is moving half a country away and I'm going to cry all the tears.
BUT FRIENDS. I have a secret weapon. I went shopping specifically to find a dress for the day I have to say goodbye. And here are the reasons my Goodbye Dress is going to help me.
The deets: H&M, full price at $35. Bell sleeve, off the shoulder, with pockets. In a fabulous floral print. This dress is the embodiment of all things happy.
1. My Goodbye Dress helps me celebrate.
Without my dear friend, I couldn't have made the progress I have this past year. She has given me valuable insight into the intricacies of running an online business. And INvaluable love, support and literal hand-holding as I've worked to build my online cap emporium and professional enthusiast empire. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I think of her when I write my posts to you - because I hope to be the encouragement to you that she's been to me.
There is always so much to celebrate, but I am forgetful and tend to focus on the negative. By intentionally being thankful, I remember the good, and the bad is forced to take a back seat. A lot of that is adjusting my mentality. But. Also. Wearing a gorgeous and cheerful sundress helps.
My new dress is lighthearted and fun. You can't look at it and not smile. My Goodby Dress reminds me celebrate a unique and wonderful friendship.
2. My Goodbye Dress helps me take care of myself.
I've learned that I enjoy life more when I first take care of myself.
Fashion is a vehicle for self-care because wearing lovely clothing makes you feel lovely. And then, because you feel lovely, you are filled with confidence - which helps you battle whatever frustrations the day brings.
Even the act of shopping is a form of self-care. In order to find my Goodbye Dress, I had to carve out time to take myself shopping. And what an excellent opportunity to intentionally take a moment, breathe and reflect.
3. My Goodbye Dress gives me something I CAN control.
Because in general, things are out of my control. Which is mostly a comfort to me. I believe God to be big, and working on my behalf, which means when life takes an unexpected turn, I know things are in much larger, more capable hands than mine.
However, I am fretful by nature. Getting dressed, doing my hair, putting on makeup is a great use of my nervous energy. It gives me something to control when I. just. need. to. control. something.
In conclusion.
Everytime I say goodbye to a precious soul, I'm a little less enthusiastic about meeting people again. After my move from NYC to IL 2 years ago, I was ready to never talk to another person again. Thankfully I resisted the urge, and immediately met my dear friend.
Mrs. Emily