The temps dip here in the Midwest and today's grey sky makes me feel my job as #MrsEmilyFashionAdvocate is very important in this next week:
It's time to look objectively at our shoes and socks. And decide if they bring us joy, and more importantly, if they equip us for the season ahead.
This week, we'll be talking about the why and how of building confidence through weather appropriate footwear: not just what boots to buy, but how to incorporate them into your wardrobe in a way that makes you feel like yourself.
We'll be spicing it up with a SKIRT GIVEAWAY as YOU share how you style a Mrs. Emily skirt with warm or waterproof shoes. Click here for info on that. No purchase necessary.

Smart purchases that equip you for your jobs make your jobs more enjoyable.
Dressing for your life is a way of celebrating it. I wear a cute apron every night when I cook dinner, so I keep my clothes clean, but ALSO, so I take a moment to appreciate that I have a wonderful family I get to make dinner for.
Set aside time this week to style your Mrs. Emily skirt with weather appropriate footwear. Send me the photos so WE can encourage others to BUILD confidence by building a collection of clothing that equips us for our jobs.
Mrs. E