Products made in India, sport my new "Fashion Tiger" label and those made in Illinois, my traditional "Mrs. Emily" label. 

You don't have to be thriving, you just have to keep going.

HELLO all you beautiful people, not deciding IF you want to show up today, but HOW to show up.

In this season, getting dressed can highlight all that is different. For many of us, there is a section of our closet that hasn’t been used in months.

Fashion for me, has long been about self control. In high school we didn’t have a lot of money, so we shopped at Goodwill. Creativity came out of our lack.

Since then, I’ve never had infinite money to buy everything I want. So dressing has always existed with limitations. Which for the most part, makes way for higher levels of creativity and deeper contentment.

Except when I’m cranky. Then I don’t want to wear anything I own. And the notion of getting dressed as a way to show up, only highlights what I feel I can’t have.

Today, some of you can’t have the heels you wore everyday at your job. Because you aren’t going to your job.

👆🏻So many other examples of this, for each of us. Clothes that don’t work in this new weird season.

Where does that leave us?

First, I think it’s ok to be cranky here and there.

Second, no part of your story is wasted. I am a fashion designer BECAUSE I couldn’t afford a prom dress and remade my homecoming dress with a hot glue gun and a pair of scissors.

In the same way, just by living through these sometimes long days, you are creating a beautiful future. You don’t have to be thriving. You just have to keep going.

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