Mrs. Emily Fashion Advocate — #MrsEmilyFashionAdvocate
What I'm Up To Today
My husband and I were talking on the couch last night and I was fretting over this and that related to my newest venture: opening a retail space inside @rfhomeco . And he said to me: “I think the problem is, you’re finished.” . I was making up work for myself, adding a little more here and a little more there. Because busy is good and more is more, right? . I’ve had a feeling a couple of times over the past two weeks. The feeling one gets when they’ve been non-stop at work for a long time. . Last January I set to work on adding skirts to my shop. And in April I began selling them, fitting clients cross-country and locally. Spring came and then summer and I stretched to fit roles of both stay-at-home-mom and designer. When temps cooled, my daughter went back to school, and I kept going. . A couple of weeks of burnout around September, and then I was up and running again. Fall and the holiday season was crazy and wonderful. . Since January, I’ve been working all my hours on my new store, barely time to look up. Except to groan a little thinking of going around the cycle one more time. . So it is with great joy and also a bit of apprehension that I’m coming to this clearing. I’m done? I haven’t been ‘done’ in a year. . Of course the over-achiever in me cries MOOOOOORE MORE MORE! And the self-doubter has me rethinking the simplicity of 1 skirt (in a million fabric options) and the tees to go with it. . But the mama inside me knows it’s time for the pendulum to swing back towards center, for me to start resting more often and better, for my schedule to allow me to notice and enjoy as Spring rolls around this year - I totally missed it last year. . Keep me accountable to stopping. Don’t let me keep running a race that is finished, will you? . . #MrsEmilyFashionAdvocate #DebunkingTheFashionMyth #theKATYskirt #SaveAHairwashWearACap