Mrs. Emily Fashion Advocate
We Need You Back
I’m calling you back.
Back towards center. Towards who you were before 2020 set in. In adapting to unprecedented circumstances, you have lost some sparkle.
For many of you, you’ve laid down careers and dreams to pick up the mantle of educator and caretaker.
For many of you, you’ve lost loved ones, friends and friendships. And along with them, the version of you that existed in their light.
For many of you, different schedules and routines have left your mind and body exhausted.

After a great week returning to social media, I captured this picture. Look at that smile! I'm so grateful to you, always showing up to cheer me on. I talk more about it in my newest issue of Shade Free Establishment.
Basically, Shade Free Establishment is a weekly recap of what I've been posting here on the blog. So if you'd like everything in one handy place, delivered to your inbox, then sign up here.
Here's A Challenge For You...
Building a wardrobe that works for your lifestyle and makes you feel like yourself takes creativity.
Here’s an exercise for you. Take a tee in your closet, and make it YOURS.
Specifically, think about how to make it more functional. That’s where creativity is really needed. For me, the length of shirts is often an issue. So after trying a tee on with what I want to wear it with, I mark it, and hack it off at that length.
1. Take off just a little at a time, so you don’t end up overdoing it
2. Stretch the knit after cutting and...
How to buy denim:
Fall is coming which means that you’re probably thinking about denim! Here are my tips!
1. Invest in quality not quantity. I bought my last denim 2 years ago this month. I spent a lot of time trying on to find 3 good pairs.
2. Get them tailored! This is sooooo key. Get to know your local tailor. It’ll take a few tries to get the fit right, so maybe start with an old pair or one from goodwill. In the process, you will get to know your body type which will inform future purchases and up your...
In this issue of BRAVE WOMEN IN SKIRTS...
Meet Katy. She started homeschooling this week, not by choice but because of COVID realities. And to prepare? She picked out a skirt for her first day of teaching. Here's her story:
Today Hope started Kindergarten, homeschool edition. We started early in hopes of taking sometime off to travel when things calm down. My office was turned into a classroom and Hope adores it. She’s been so excited to start homeschool along with our new mascot Hasel. 🐶
When I quit teaching 5 years ago I was a Dean at a Manhattan boarding school. I never thought I’d...