Products made in India, sport my new "Fashion Tiger" label and those made in Illinois, my traditional "Mrs. Emily" label. 

Mrs. Emily Fashion Advocate

Check out today's SFE!

Check out today's SFE!

Catch today's volume of the Shade Free Establishment (my weekly newsletter) here.


6 Month Anniversary!

6 Month Anniversary!

If my finger counting is correct, it has been 6 months since I reopened my online shop.

In celebration of 10 years in business, I wanted to do something other than looking back. I wanted to move forward.

I opened my first 2 business credit cards, one for new flooring in my studio and the other for new equipment, fabric and supplies, all with the end goal of reopening my online shop, which happened at the end of January.

For 6 months, I've had orders in my queue. And now, looking around, I see that I have been able to grow my...

Why I Share ALL the Stuff...

I am able to share my failings, fear of failure, and distress with you, in part because there is deep confidence and conviction within me about the future of the fashion industry:

I believe a time is coming, where we celebrate and understand how unique and wonderful we are through what we wear.

Over the past few years writing daily on social media and then here on this blog, I have seen our confidence grow together, by way of difficulty. What a relief to know that confidence grows in the hard soil of complicated life.


The facts lie...

There will be seasons of life that tell you to quit. Actually, that don't allow any movement forward. My business is there now. You may be in a version of this season too. If you have a side project that there is no time for right now, does that mean that heart-dream doesn't matter or that it will never happen for you?

I've been tossing around some pretty dreadful alternatives in my mind recently. I can't figure out how to move forward. And I can't muster the desire.

In my newsletter yesterday, I announced that...

SFE Vol. 5

Monday again already? Check out my newest newsletter: Shade Free Establishment Vol. 5.

Not signed up for my weekly email? Do that here.


Mrs. E