Mrs. Emily Fashion Advocate
5500 stitches per minute, and I finished putting her together this week.
Guess what? You can do anything with enough YouTube videos and stamina. 😂
My favorite part of this machine is how big and small it makes me feel. Big because I’m at the place in my business and skillz for this beast. Small because I have infinite more to learn about how to use and fix it.
It’s a perfect picture for who I aim to be in this business and life. Bold, confident, and also very teachable.
We don’t have to know it all to get started towards our goals. I...
Building a sewing machine; Rebuilding the shop.
Building a sewing machine; rebuilding the shop. Catch it all in today's issue of Shade Free Establishment (my weekly newsletter). Not subscribed? Do that here.
Styling for multiple seasons!
Summer days are running out. But OH WAIT, we are smart with our purchases and creative with our styling. #DebunkingTheFashionMyth means wearing clothing for multiple seasons out of the year (and multiple years while we’re at it 💁🏼♀️). It’s how we are able to buy higher quality things that we LOVE, rather than a higher quantity of things that we like.
I’ve worn this skirt twice this week with my tank top and flip flops but as temps dip, I’ll reach for my boots and leather top.
Italian cotton voile and washable, these skirts are made to order and...
You don't have to be thriving, you just have to keep going.
HELLO all you beautiful people, not deciding IF you want to show up today, but HOW to show up.
In this season, getting dressed can highlight all that is different. For many of us, there is a section of our closet that hasn’t been used in months.
Fashion for me, has long been about self control. In high school we didn’t have a lot of money, so we shopped at Goodwill. Creativity came out of our lack.
Since then, I’ve never had infinite money to buy everything I want. So dressing has always existed with limitations. Which for the most part, makes way...